滑鼠加速度混亂解決方法 - 使命召喚10:幽靈

來源:樂享遊戲吧 5.36K

使命召喚10:幽靈 滑鼠加速度混亂解決方法

使命召喚10:幽靈 滑鼠加速度混亂解決方法

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Mouse Acceleration


Fear not, Barry, your days of wild slippery aiming will soon be over.

Does the mouse control in Call of Duty: Ghosts just feel wrong to you? You're not alone. You'll want to check that Mouse Acceleration is turned off in the main menu, of course. Then, disable any programs that add overlays, like Fraps, and the Steam overlay.


To disable the Steam overlay right click on Call of Duty: Ghosts, head to "Properties" and then visit the "General" tab. Uncheck the "Enable Steam Community In-Game" box there.

【正版使用者看】如何關閉steam的滑鼠設定:右擊 Call of Duty: Ghosts圖示,選擇 "Properties",選擇 "General" ,清除 "Enable Steam Community In-Game"複選框

If that fails, then players on the COD: Ghosts Steam forums have reportedly had luck reducing the polling rate of their mice to 250Hz. The method for that will vary depending on your mouse software.


The always-useful PC Gaming Wiki have also found a config tweak that might help with the sudden jumps mouse movements can sometimes trigger. Change seta r)elevatedPriority "1" to seta r)elevatedPriority "0" in the config_ file, found in Steam -> SteamApps -> common -> Call of Duty Ghosts -> players2

【正版使用者看】2:找到config_檔案,並且修改其中的seta r)elevatedPriority "1" 為 seta r)elevatedPriority "0"。

這個檔案位於Steam -> SteamApps -> common -> Call of Duty Ghosts -> players2
