Tyrant暴君胸甲 神界原罪2獲取暴君套裝圖文攻略 Tyant套裝屬性分享 - Heart of the

來源:樂享遊戲吧 3.26W

t of the Tyrant暴君胸甲

We found some armour called Heart of the Tyrant - part of a full set, it seems. There's something odd about the armour - it seems to emit a fiery aura.

胸甲在 Dark Cavern的寶物庫裡取得。搜刮寶物庫裡的箱子財寶就可以得到。

Heart of the Tyrant暴君胸甲 神界原罪2獲取暴君套裝圖文攻略 Tyant套裝屬性分享

Heart of the Tyrant暴君胸甲 神界原罪2獲取暴君套裝圖文攻略 Tyant套裝屬性分享 第2張
