天啟降臨]完全攻略 - [X戰警傳奇2

來源:樂享遊戲吧 2.78W



ATK: 攻擊率,衡量你的角色用武器攻擊敵人的成功率

Boost: 增加狀態(攻擊,防禦)的技能

Buff: 提高角色攻擊或防禦水平

Debuff: 給敵角色降低攻擊或防禦水平

Def: 防禦率,衡量敵角色武器攻擊給我方角色造成傷害的成功率

EP: 能量點數

HP: 生命點數

Mob: 敵方角色或人物

Power: 所有X技能都需要被這個按鍵啟用(除被動技能外)

Skill: 所有X技能。Skill分為以下幾種:

-- Ability: 給角色增加一種能力, 比如飛行, 搬運.

-- Beam: 光束攻擊,攻擊範圍基本為一個點, 直線飛行.

-- Blast: 對某指定點的範圍攻擊

-- Boost: 給我方成員加有利狀態 (攻,防,技能)

-- Charge: 續力的長距離攻擊

-- Debuff: 減敵攻或防

-- Melee 高等物理攻擊

-- Passive: 被動技能, 加攻,防,回紅,回藍,抗性,魔法威力等

-- Projectile: 發射子彈或導彈, 有的技能可追蹤

-- Radial: 以角色為中心的大範圍攻擊

-- Special: 不屬於以上技能類別的特殊技能

-- Trap: 陷阱

-- Xtreme: 夢幻必殺, 耗費xtreme points發出的必殺技, xtreme point可以在地圖中任意的箱子裡找到

XP: 經驗值


第二章: 控制




| 動作 鍵盤 手柄


| 向前移動 W 左搖桿上

| 向後移動 S 左搖桿下

| 向左移動 A 左搖桿左

| 向右移動 D 左搖桿右

| 攻擊/能力1 Keypad 4 按鍵 1

| 重擊/能力2 Keypad 6 按鍵 2

| 跳躍/必殺x Spacebar `按鍵 3

| 使用/Boost E 按鍵 4

| 使用能力 Keypad 5 R1

| 吃藍 O R2

| 吃紅 P L1

| 呼喚同伴 C L2

| 換人物(上) Up Arrow 方向鍵上

| 換人物(下) Down Arrow 方向鍵下

| 換人物(左) Left Arrow 方向鍵左

| 換人物(右) Right Arrow 方向鍵右

| 地圖選項 M

| 開始/暫停 ESC 按鍵9

| 狀態選單 F1 按鍵10

| 鏡頭上 I 右搖桿上

| 鏡頭下 K 右搖桿下

| 鏡頭左 J 右搖桿左

| 鏡頭右 L 右搖桿右

| 截圖 F11

| 談話 T

| 走步 Left Shift

| 切換角色 Q

| 鎖定敵人 Left CTRL

| 旋轉鏡頭 V

| 固定能力 B

| 快速能力 ` back space

| 能力1 到11 數字1到“-“


第三章: 小發現和fucking bugs


-- Nightcrawler: 如果你不在Teleport Attack上邊加點,他的Teleport Frenzy不消耗能量

-- 如果給Nightcrawler裝備一個加任何teleport(傳送)系技能的裝備,他所有teleport系技能都會加

-- Iron Man的Motion Amplifier會給所有他的攻擊系技能增加傷害(x-box版的不確定)



--在Act4, 持續衝擊會有導致記憶體溢位..--! 因為遊戲會儲存前近期的地圖和所有物品(身上和倉庫)的資訊,act4的地圖又很大..所以會有這種情況.保持你倉庫裡的物品少於30個可以避免這種情況.

--在Temple of Anubis的有水晶的房間,雕像會出現無法毀壞的情況(ps:筆者在這裡卡到差點崩潰--!)


到這裡的時候一步一步的走,確定敵人都殺完了再進門觸發事件.如果已經被卡住的朋友可以直接回基地,然後多回幾張以前的地圖,等到Temple of Anubis的地圖被更新了再回來從新觸發事件.



第四章: 關於隱藏人物和隱藏物品的作用

--Deadpool: 只要通關一次(看完職員表)就可以使用

--Iron Man: 每個act的地圖裡都有homing beacon, 每章6個,只需要找到4個就會在售貨員那裡開啟色secret bonus area. 前4個act分別拿胸甲,頭盔,手套,靴子; act5的secret bonus area救出他就可以用了,不用通關.

--professorX: 找到所有danger room disk, 並完成它們(只需要基本完成,不用完成第2,3項附加獎勵),有一些可以在售貨員那裡買到,還可以賭博出來.不用通關,直接可以啟用professorX.可惜他不是做輪椅出現..哎..他擁有一個強大技能,範圍攻擊+鎖定敵人行動. 關於有的朋友完成不了teamwork這個訓練,本人是插2個手柄,訓練只用2個人,叫朋友幫忙,兩個人一起喊123然後發招,一個beam一個範圍攻擊..大家可以試下.

--關於隱藏物品,最有用的是data discs,其他的漫畫和原稿可以第2次遊戲再收集,data discs每收集4個可以增加一次攜帶血瓶或能量瓶的總數,具體資料如下:

* 第一次集齊4張data discs,+2能量瓶

* 第二次集齊,+2體力瓶

* 第三次集齊,+4能量瓶

* 第四次集齊,+4體力瓶

* 以後每次集齊,+6體力瓶和能量瓶



Prologue 序章


* 逃離


* 監獄


* 無


* 開始你只有Magneto, Cyclops, Storm 和 Wolverine. 如果遊戲是在hard mode裡進行,你可以選擇編組



In the Blink of an Eye



* 與Sabretooth(劍齒虎)談話

* 在Dead Zone救出Blink


* Sanctuary (X)----有記錄點的地圖以後這樣表示

* Dead Zone


[] Tech station (+2 Strike): 第一個被燒燬的飛船附近


* Iceman滅火和造橋


Hacker's Delight



* 在Cerci Caverns找到security code module

* 在Barren Cliffs找到security code module

* 在Desolate Mesa找到security code module

* 在Desolate Mesa定位並摧毀雷達(可選)


* Dead Zone (X)

* Cerci Caverns

* Barren Cliffs (X)

* Desolate Mesa


[] Homing beacon: Cerci Caverns剛過入口處

[] Danger Room Disc Setting 102 - Throwing: Cerci Caverns第三個大房間

[] Homing beacon: 在Cerci Caverns過一個橋到一個平臺上,需要一個能造橋或者能飛的角色

[] Data disc: Barren Cliffs, 過橋遇到Grizzly之前,右手邊的區域,在刷子下邊

[] Weapons cache: 遇到Grizzly之後往左走,造2個橋

[] Tech station (+2 Focus): Desolate Mesa的雷達區附近

[] Bishop comic: 在tech station邊上

[] Sketch book: 在tech station邊上


* Iceman滅火造橋+減緩Grizzly的速度

* 坦克型選手(Juggernaut, Colossus, Sabretooth, Wolverine)在Caverns砸牆

* 範圍攻擊角色





* 打倒Zealot

* 在Queen's Lair找到埋葬Genosha的入口

* 使用之前找到的security codes進入Genosha

* 在Cerci Burrows打倒insect drones (12) (可選)

* 在Larvae Chambers破壞egg clusters (4) (可選)

* 在Queen's Lair破壞Cerci queens (3) (可選)


* Cerci Burrows

* Larvae Chambers (X)

* Queen's Lair (X)


[] Tech station (+2 Speed): Cerci Burrows, 第三個房間,有drones的

[] Sketch book: Cerci Burrows有岔路向右走

[] Homing beacon: Cerci Burrows, 在去Larvae Chambers的出口的房間

[] Tech station (+10 Health): Larvae Chambers, 在發現第2個卵群的有個坑的大房間

[] Wolverine comic: Larvae Chambers, 第3個卵群的房間

[] Data disc:, 造橋或飛到中間的平臺上

[] Danger Room Disc Moves 103 - Triple Hit and Moves 104 - Throw:

在一個queen’s chambers,一堆卵群后邊


* Magneto,他和zealot有特殊對話,還能飛和造橋

* 坦克型選手,砸牆

* 射擊型,對付Zealot


Under Pressure



* 在Genosha Seawall使飛船港口停止工作 (8)

* 在Genosha Seawall毀掉所有炸藥 (2)

* Genosha Seawall,在Genosha被洪水幫助Blob修理裂縫(可選)


* Genosha Seawall


[] Tech station (+10 Energy): 在海堤和飛船棚之間的中央房間

[] Homing beacon: 離開飛船棚的方向,右手邊角落裡的一個房間,需要Brotherhood mutant開門


* 有舉重物能力的(Juggernaut, Wolverine, Colossus),這樣幫助Blob可以簡單些

* 一個Brotherhood mutant拿homing beacon.(關於什麼是brotherhood mutant後邊解釋)





* 在Southern Habitats幫助變種人逃跑(11)

* 在Northern Plaza幫助變種人逃跑(6)

* 在基地和Blink說話

* 在Grand Hall救Pyro (可選)


* Southern Habitats (X)

* Northern Plaza

* Grand Hall (X)


[] Homing beacon: Southern Habitats, 在hydroponics lab(實驗室)後邊有一條地圖上沒有的過道

[] Colossus comic: Southern Habitats, 在被囚禁的變種人附近一個小房間

[] Data disc: Northern Plaza, 在第一個樓梯下邊

[] Homing beacon: Northern Plaza, Mr. Sinister的實驗室

[] Danger Room Disc Qualifying Exam 100: Northern Plaza,一個犯人的房間裡

[] Tech station (+2 Body): Grand Hall, 入口附近, 右邊的房間-破壞發電機解除鐳射

[] Sketch book: Grand Hall,一個平臺上,需要會飛的

[] Weapon Cache: Grand Hall,在一個毀壞的大柱子後邊,記錄點的反方向

[] Data Disc: Grand Hall, 就在地上..^^


* Wolverine,他和Yuriko有特殊對話

* Nightcrawler,利用傳送開啟力場,並且和Mr. Sinister有特殊對話

* 如果不想和Lady Deathstrike打,需要帶一個brotherhood mutant(lady deathstrike..太sexy了..超愛)


Into the Void



* 打倒Abyss

* 在基地和professor X對話


* Genosha Council (X)


* None




Certain Destiny



* 與Pyro交談

* 在Jungle Canal找到Mystique

* 在Jungle Canal營救Destiny

* 打倒Garokk

* 回Avalon與Mystique交談


* Avalon (X)

* Jungle Canal


[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Cyclops: Jungle Canal,進入叢林後不久的一個岔路向右

[] Data disc: Jungle Canal, 第一個你要穿過的洞穴

[] Homing beacon: Jungle Canal, 第二個你要穿過的洞穴


* 大多數射擊角色都可以,用來對付Garrok


The New Ice Age



* 在Jungle Ruins中保護atmospheric generators(大氣發動機?)


* Jungle Ruins (X)


[] Weapon cache: Jungle Ruins, 剛過記錄點的地方

[] Homing beacon: Jungle Ruins, 上邊這個weapon cache旁邊

[] Toad comic: Jungle Ruins, 在一個atmospheric generators後邊

[] Tech station (+20 Health): Jungle Ruins, 在一個atmospheric generators旁邊


* 移動速度比較快的角色,因為要在要保護的發動機之間跑來跑去..

* 需要有砸退敵人或擁有眩暈攻擊的角色來保證敵人少攻擊發動機


No Way In, No Way Out



* 在叢林中找到通往ancient monument 的入口

* 打倒Sauron


* Jungle Pass (X)


[] Cyclops' comic: Jungle Pass, 在被破壞的寺廟裡

[] Homing beacon: Jungle Pass, 開始的那條小路有個岔路,走右邊那條,左手邊的洞穴

[] Weapon cache: Jungle Pass, 記錄點之前一個有鐳射炸彈保護的洞穴

[] Tech station (+4 Speed): Jungle Pass, 同上

[] Sketch book: Jungle Pass, 剛過記錄點的一個洞穴


* 坦克型角色對付Sauron

* 射擊角色毀掉鐳射炸彈


Beyond the Threshold



* 在Nuwali Shrine找到

* 在Nuwali Corridors找到mystic stone


* Nuwali Shrine

* Nuwali Corridors (X)


[] Tech station (+4 Body): Nuwali Shrine入口東邊的小路,需要推開一個柱子

[] Danger Room Disc Assault 203: Nuwali Shrine, 有水的祭壇房間西南的一個屋子裡

[] Sunfire's comic: Nuwali Shrine, 在通向Nuwali Corridors的房間裡

[] Tech station (+20 Energy): 在Nuwali Corridors的第一個主房間裡

[] Sketch book: Nuwali Corridors, 飛過大裂縫有個突出的架子上

[] Gambit's comic: Nuwali Corridors, 在一個有機關拉桿的八角平臺上

[] Weapon cache: Nuwali Corridors, 在去八角形平臺的通道里有一個隱藏的房間,砸牆進去

[] Data disc: Nuwali Corridors, 同上


* Jean Grey或Magneto, 可以飛可以格空取物


Tomb Raiders



* 找到Vibranium Idol

* 找到Fire Skull

* 放回Fire Skull

* 找到Water Skull

* 放回Water Skull

* 找到Earth Skull

* 放回Earth Skull

* 找到Air Skull

* 放回Air Skull

* 回到Avalon見Ka-zar


* Elemental Tomb (X)


[] Weapon cache: air的房間

[] Tech station (+4 Strike): earth和water之間

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Gambit: water的房間

[] Homing beacon: fire的房間的凹槽


* 飛行者和造橋的去取元素骷髏

* 坦克型砸東西

* Iceman,Storm或Toad滅火


Beyond the Threshold, Part II



* 把mystic stones (2)放在Nuwali Gateway的雕像上


* Nuwali Gateway (X)


[] Danger Room Disc Defend 204: 當你從Nuwali Corridors到Nuwali Gateway的時候,一直走過大廳,砸牆而入,左邊

[] Homing beacon: 當你從Nuwali Corridors到Nuwali Gateway時,左轉到一個長的大廳一直殺到有個扔火的神像處,在左手邊砸牆再砸牆

[] Data disc: 從拿homing beacon的房間一直走過這個長的大廳,穿過一連串的房間到達一個巨大的有橋和島的洞窟,立刻左轉,使用會飛的角色沿著這個暗道飛,直到看到在牆另一邊的data disc,破牆而入


* 飛行員或能造橋的


The Beast Within



* 打倒Mikhail

* 從Mikhail的陷阱裡救出Beast

* 回Avalon與Professor X交談


* Beyonders Sanctum (X)

* Mikhail's Warship (X – 只能編組)


[] Danger Room Disc Qualifying Exam 200: 進入Sanctum的時候,左手邊有一個凹室裡邊有個大石頭,在大石頭後邊

[] Data disc: 從Sanctum的記錄點往相反方向的角落,在樓梯後邊

[] Tech station (+4 Focus): 在Sanctum上邊說的那個樓梯,上樓,進隨便一個門到角落裡的房間,滅火後這個station會落下

[] Weapon cache: Beyonders Sanctum,與Omega Red戰鬥的房間



Rotten to the Core



* 與Angel交談

* 乘坐X-Jet到Core

* 到Core Interior把Forge的無線電綁在控制檯上

* 在Core Security關閉警報門

* 在Core Security使用控制器降低core shields的防禦等級

* 在Core Reactor黃色區域扳動控制棒(2)

* 在Core Reactor黃色區域啟用控制棒

* 在Core Reactor藍色區域扳動控制棒(2)

* 在Core Reactor藍色區域啟用控制棒

* 在Core Control破壞coolant pumps(2)

* 打倒Sugarman

* 在Core Control解除保險裝置

* 回Weapon X Facility與Angel交談


* Weapon X (X)

* Core Interior

* Core Security (X)

* Core Reactor (X)

* Core Control


[] Homing Beacon: 到Core Interior入口左邊的一個小房間

[] Data disc: 從到Core Interior的入口向右,在X形坑的附近

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Iceman: Core Interior, 把Forge的無線電放好後向左下,第一個房間,右手邊

[] Tech station (+6 Speed): 那Iceman challenge的另外一頭, 這個房間有一個反應爐,使用一個傳送者穿過牆,或用遠端技能引爆反應爐把牆炸倒

[] Weapon cache: Core Interior,到Core Security出口的那個大廳,與出口相反方向的盡頭

[] Danger Room Disc Assault 303: Core Security, 從入口開始,向右走到左手邊第3個房間,進密室

[] Weapon cache: Core Security, 從入口開始走左邊的大廳到左手邊第二個房間,砸倒後牆

[] Storm's comic: Core Reactor, 中央大廳

[] Homing beacon: Core Reactor, 中央大廳, 過了一個核廢料堆,用飛行員或傳送員上一個架子拿

[] Sketch book: Core Control, 在擋住你去黃色反映堆冷卻泵的力場附近

[] Weapon cache: Core Control, 打Sugarman的房間


* 需要一個飛行者或傳送者拿homing beacon

* 打Sugarman的時候需要一個攻擊水平高的隊伍


Infinite Possibilities



* 在Weapon X Facility與Heather Hudson交談

* 乘坐X-Jet到Infinite Factory

* 破壞Infinite Engineering

- 啟動Infinite Engineering的能量源

- 關閉Infinite Engineering緊急自救系統

* 破壞Genetic Processing

- 破壞Genetic Processing裡的DNA儲存室

* 破壞Mutant Fusion Core

* 破壞Infinite Assembly Factory

- 在Assembly area關閉變電站(4)

- 關閉變電站使監控系統冷卻

* Infinite有一個間諜需要密碼: H部門某成員需要一臺計算機的密碼(可選)


* Factory Entrance (X)

* Infinite Engineering

* Fusion Core

* Genetic Processing

* Assembly Factory (X)


[] Data disc: Factory Entrance, 在到Genetic Processing的出口附近

[] Weapon cache: 在能量分配控制檯房間幫邊的一個房間

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Phoenix: Infinite Engineering, 從能量分配控制檯開始向出口方向的大廳走,過門,在一個樓廳上

[] Tech station (+6 Strike): Infinite Engineering, 能量分配控制檯相反方向路的盡頭

[] Scarlet Witch's comic: Fusion Core, 第一個路口向左第一個房間

[] Tech station (+30 Health): 上邊所說房間遠處的另一個房間

[] Weapon cache: Fusion Core, 到fusion core之前一個有大坑的房間

[] Tech station (+30 Energy): Genetic Processing, 毀掉DNA處理器(大滾筒)後在裡邊的

[] Homing beacon: Genetic Processing, 過DNA處理器的第一個交叉點,一條小路上

[] Iceman's comic: Genetic Processing, 在大金屬橋上,擋住你路的障礙裡

[] Homing beacon: Assembly Factory, 去低溫變電站的路上有一個長方形的屋子裡的一些箱子上邊

[] Weapon cache: Assembly Factory, 破壞低溫變電站的房間

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Sunfire: Assembly Factory, 其中一個豆莢裡邊的低溫房


* 本關機器人較多,對精神,元素攻擊免疫,所以帶著你的坦克型角色

* 帶著能舉重物的角色或者Magneto/Jean來破壞Genetic Processing


Sinister Intentions



* 破壞超級電腦

* 回Weapon X Facility與Heather Hudson交談


* Central Processing


[] Sketch book: 剛過第一個橋的時候


* 你喜歡的角色,戰鬥很簡單


C.21: Of Gods and Heroes



* 與Professor X交談

* 乘坐X-Jet去Madri Temple

* 找到Stepford Sisters

* 在Hall of Knowledge找到Body Artifact

* 把Body Artifact放回Madri Antechamber

* 在Madri Cloisters找到Rage Artifact

* 把Rage Artifact放回Madri Antechamber

* 在Meditation Chamber找到Heart Artifact

* 把Heart Artifact放回Madri Antechamber

* 在Divine Sanctuary找到Soul Artifact

* 把Soul Artifact放回Madri Antechamber

* 在Madri Conclave找到Mind Artifact

* 把Mind Artifact放回Madri Antechamber

* 與Professor X交談


* Madri Antechamber

* Hall of Knowledge (X)

* Madri Cloisters

* Meditation Chamber

* Divine Sanctuary

* Madri Conclave (X)

* Monastic Citadel (X – 只能組隊)


[] Homing beacon: Madri Antechamber, 入口,一個圓柱後邊(還是旁邊..記不清了^^)

[] Danger Room Disc Destroy 304: Madri Antechamber,入口後的第一個房間

[] Juggernaut's comic: Madri Antechamber,在第一次見Emma的地方有個祭壇後邊

[] Tech station (+6 Body): Madri Antechamber, 見Emma之後一直向前走,大廳盡頭的一個房間

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Scarlet Witch: Madri Cloisters,為拿Rage Artifact要放祭品的屋子

[] Tech station (+6 Focus): Madri Cloisters,當毀掉psionic祭壇的時候在房間角落使用祭品來開啟一條小路里邊有個房間

[] Weapon cache: Madri Cloisters,同上

[] Danger Room Disc Qualifying Exam 300: Meditation Chamber,在入口相反方向的一個凹室裡

[] Weapon cache: Divine Sanctuary, 在一個周圍都是小房間的大房間,掉頭向入口方向進入一個小房間

[] Homing beacon: Divine Sanctuary,在拿weapon cache的房間再往後走(向入口方向)進入一個非常小的房間,向上飛

[] Data disc: Divine Sanctuary, 在一個有大坑的房間(2箇中的1個),飛過大坑對面一個小平臺上

[] Sketch book: Divine Sanctuary, 從拿Mind Artifact回主入口的樓下捷徑中

[] Data disc: Madri Conclave,第一個丁字路口,右轉,清了這個房間在一個角落裡發現

[] Weapon cache: Madri Conclave,在找到Mind Artifact和主入口之間的樓下捷徑


* 需要一個飛行員

* 如果隊伍裡有會傳送的,會找到一些捷徑

* boss戰中需要一個近身格鬥很強的角色



Sentinel Invasion



* 與Havok交談

* 乘坐X-Jet去Perimeter Platforms

* 在平臺上破壞左右發電機(3)(時間限制)

* 在雷達區平臺上破壞所有雷達(3)

* 破壞主機

* 解除防護罩

* 破壞發電機

* 打倒Bastion

* 回X-Mansion與avok交談


* Perimeter Platforms


[] Sketch book: 第一個平臺上,入口正對面

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Toad: 第二個平臺上

[] Weapon cache: 同上

[] Homing beacon: 第三個平臺上

[] Tech station (+6 Strike): 第一個雷達區平臺

[] Weapon cache: 第二個雷達區平臺

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Rogue: 第三個雷達區平臺


* 因為要和巨型機器人作戰,所以不要帶Jean Grey或X教授這樣精神攻擊的角色

* 帶上有防護技能的同伴,比如Strom(風暴女)

* 破壞力強的角色,保證一擊毀掉要摧毀的機器


Hellfire to Pay



* 與Moira交談

* 在New York South Side找到Sebastian Shaw

* 在New York South Side找到Master Key

* 在New York West Side找到Sebastian Shaw's holodiscs

* 回Mansion把找到的Master Key還給Shaw

* 回Mansion把找到的holodiscs還給Shaw

* 給Sebastian Shaw 10000塊錢(--!土匪!)


* Sewers South

* New York South Side (X)

* New York West Side


[] Homing beacon: Sewers South,在入口的風扇裡,在這個風扇後邊的房間有個發電機,用Storm(Lightning)或Rogue (Power Theft)或Bishop (Sapping Strike)毀掉它就可以停止風扇轉動了

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Colossus: Sewers South,在第一個非常大的房間,入口的左角反方向

[] Weapon cache: Sewers South, 去York South Side的出口的走廊

[] Homing beacon: New York South Side, 剛從Sewers South出來右手邊的屋頂上

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Nightcrawler: New York South Side,記錄點左手邊街道的盡頭

[] Weapon cache: New York West Side,從去south side的出口一直向前,沿街的右手邊走

[] Danger Room Disc Survival 404: New York West Side,從weapon cache穿過街道

[] Tech station (+8 Speed): New York West Side,在去Sewers West出口有一個被轟炸過的建築樓上,飛上去或者從附近爬上去


* 需要Storm, Rogue或Bishop在Sewers South拿homing beacon

* Morlocks有很多抗性,所以需要你的隊伍裡要有多種傷害方式(物理,精神,元素,能量)


Prison of Misery



* 在Brain Trust破壞一堆大腦..(--!)

* 打倒Stryfe

* 回X-Mansion與Banshee交談

* 從Mirrin獲得通行碼(可選)

* 從Schill獲得通行碼(可選)

* 創造一個惡魔幫助你打倒Stryfe(可選)


* Sewers West

* Holding Pens (X)

* Stockade

* Brain Trust


[] Weapon cache: Sewers West, 大客車後邊的房間,2級舉重的角色或Magneto或Jean Grey推開車

[] Magneto's comic: Sewers West, 上述房間遠端的走廊,向左然後毀掉柵欄,進入地道

[] Data disc: Sewers West, 在去Holding Pens出口附近的房間, 在穿過走廊的一個房間裡關掉水源, 然後派個會飛的隊員去拿

[] Homing beacon: Holding Pens, 從去Sewers West的出口那條路左轉,在有兩個力場的地方周圍找到主機並關掉

[] Weapon cache: Holding Pens, 破壞一個發電機後繼續直行

[] Jean Grey's comic: Holding Pens, 在上述weapon cache旁邊

[] Weapon cache: Holding Pens, 之前那個weapon cache更深點的地方,在一些能破壞的柵欄後邊

[] Danger Room Disc Defend 503: Holding Pens,第二個weapon cache旁邊

[] Tech station (+8 Body): Stockade, 去Holding Pens的出口附近有個鎖門的房間,使用Magneto或Jean Grey遙控裡邊的開關開啟門

[] Sketch book: Stockade,剛過減速度陷阱,到力場後邊

[] Weapon cache: Stockade, 過減速度陷阱, 右行, 在通過一個水坑之後的房間裡

[] Data disc: Stockade, 切換走廊到一個力場周圍,右,從另外一個力場後邊拿

[] Danger Room Disc Teamwork 403: Stockade, 去Brain Trust必經的一個大房間裡旁邊牆上的一個凹陷處

[] Weapon cache: Brain Trust, 在創造惡魔的房間的坑裡

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Juggernaut: Brain Trust,在創造惡魔的房間旁邊的房間…

[] Weapon cache (x2): Brain Trust, 打Stryfe的房子外邊,右手邊


* 需要你的隊伍裡要有多種傷害方式

* 能舉重物的角色來拿weapon cache

* 需要會飛的或者傳送者拿ID卡

* 需要會飛的拿data disc

* 移動速度快的隊友,與Stryfe戰鬥的時候需要


Where Angels Fear to Tread



* 在New York North Side找到sewer的廢棄入口

* 打倒Deadpool

* 通過North Sewers進入Apocalypse's Tower(天啟之塔)


* New York North Side

* Sewers North (X)


[] Tech station (+40 Energy): New York North Side,從去West Side出口的方向一直向前然後向左一點

[] Rogue's comic: New York North Side, 從去West Side出口的方向向右到街道的盡頭,街道左邊一堆桶的後邊

[] Data disc: New York North Side, 從上述地點左轉走到頭,在街道的左邊的一個小凹槽裡

[] Sketch book: New York North Side, 與Deadpool戰鬥的地方的一個角落裡

[] Sketch book: Sewers North, 過了一條排水溝之後向右前進到一個小房間,需要砸牆

[] Homing beacon: Sewers North, 過了一條排水溝之後之後繼續直行到一個有篝火的房間,這個房間角落有個門但是打不開.用傳送技能進去或者Magneto/Jean隔空開啟開關

[] Weapon cache: Sewers North,馬上到記錄點至前邊上的屋子


* Deadpool與……Deadpool有特殊對話--!

* Deadpool或Nightcrawler跟上Deadpool(敵)

* 會傳送的或Magneto/Jean來拿homing beacon


Hail to the Queen



* 在Tower裡找到Black Queen

* 在Tower Engineering關掉監獄的電源

* 與Black Queen交談

完成Evil Revealed任務的同時,這些任務也同時完成


Evil Revealed



* 在Sinister's Lab見Beast

* 追蹤Beast到Tower Apex

* 打倒Archangel


* The Pantheon (X)

* Tower Engineering

* Sinister's Lab (X)

* Tower Apex


[] Sketch book (Apocalypse's Tower, Tower Enemy, Toad): Pantheon,從North Sewers進來之後的中央房間

[] Tech station (+6 Focus): Pantheon, 大雕像前邊

[] Weapon cache: Pantheon, 在第一個大廳中間的雕像下邊,需要會飛的角色

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Magneto: Pantheon, 同上

[] Tech station (+40 Health): Tower Engineering, 在Selene被囚禁的房間

[] Data disc: Tower Engineering, 監獄旁邊的房間

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Storm: Tower Engineering, 在破壞監獄電源開關的房間

[] Weapon cache: Tower Engineering, 在破壞監獄電源開關的房間的外邊

[] Nightcrawler's comic: Sinister's Lab, 第一個房間,上層

[] Danger Room Disc Graduation Exam 400: Sinister's Lab, 記錄點右邊

[] Weapon cache: Sinister's Lab, 上邊拿訓練牒GE400的旁邊

[] Homing beacon: Sinister's Lab, room to the left of the Xtraction point

[] Weapon cache: Sinister's Lab, 就在去Tower Apex傳送點前邊一點


* 會飛的來拿Danger Room disc和weapon cache

* boss戰中如果有個會傳送的會比較簡單

* Jean Grey和Archangel有特定對話



Seal of Fate



* 在Temple of Anubis旋轉sun mirror

* 在Temple of Sekhmet旋轉sun mirror

* 在Temple of Sekhmet找到canopic jars(4)

* 把找到的canopic jars(4)放在容器中

* 在Ancient Labyrinth找到sun crystal並在最後Great seal的大門前使用

* 通過Great Seal


* Teleport Chamber (X)

* Ra's Mouth

* Ancient Labyrinth (X)

* Temple of Anubis

* Temple of Sekhmet


[] Data disc: Ra's Mouth, 往Teleport Chamber(總部)的出口左邊,旁邊平臺上一個船後邊

[] Homing beacon: Ra's Mouth, 從Teleport Chamber進來之後在第一個路口向右走,繞到角落,穿過左邊第二道門,飛到左邊的一個暗層上,推開柱子(Magneto, Jean, Rogue或Iron Man),過門拿homing beacon

[] Tech station (+50 Health): Ra's Mouth, homing beacon和Mr. Sinister戰鬥之間的地方

[] Homing beacon: Ancient Labyrinth, 往Temple of Sekhmet入口附近有兩道門通往橋上,走右手的門進房間拿homing beacon

[] Weapon cache: Ancient Labyrinth, 記錄點左邊的房間(進房間方向左手邊),在一個有大坑的房間的暗層裡

[] Tech station (+50 Energy): Ancient Labyrinth, 在weapon cache旁邊的房間,砸牆進去

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Bishop: Ancient Labyrinth,在tech station遠端,一個大房間地上

[] Sketch book: Ancient Labyrinth, 有記錄點的房間

[] Homing beacon: Temple of Anubis,從第一個房間開始走左轉,地板中間

[] Sketch book: Temple of Anubis, 拿homing beacon之後,地板會塌方,在坑的底部拿原畫稿

[] Danger Room disc Survival 504: Temple of Anubis, 拿homing beacon之後出現大坑之後走臺階出去,訓練牒在臺階的第一部分

[] Data disc: Temple of Anubis,大概在整個地圖的中間部分,從來的方向一直走,但是路被石頭擋住了,可以傳送過去,或者在附近砸牆找別的路過去

[] Weapon cache: Temple of Anubis, 在data disc旁邊

[] Tech station (+10 Body): Temple of Anubis, 從第一個房間開始走,右轉,在第一個主房間下層

[] Weapon cache: Temple of Sekhmet,第一個房間,左手邊第一個大柱子後邊

[] Danger Room Disc Challenge - Wolverine: Temple of Sekhmet, 第一個房間,左手邊第二個大柱子後邊

[] Tech station (+10 Focus): Temple of Sekhmet, 從Y型房間向左走

[] Data disc: Temple of Sekhmet, 從Y型房間向右走,有canopic jar的房間,砸破右邊的牆沿著走廊走

[] Homing beacon: Temple of Sekhmet, 從Y型房間一直走,過了一條裂縫的遠處


* Iceman, Toad或Storm滅火

* Storm和Beast/Mr. Sinister有特定對話

* 和Mr. Sinister戰鬥的時候需要會傳送的

* Magneto, Jean, Rogue或Iron Man來拿homing beacon

* 破壞力夠的角色來砸牆


Survival of the Fittest



* 打倒Apocalypse


* Hall of the Dead (X)

* Vault of Ages (X-只能組隊)


[] Danger Room Disc Qualifying Exam 500: Hall of the Dead, 剛進門馬上左拐

[] Data disc: Hall of the Dead, Living Monolith戰役之後走左邊的小路到頭

[] Homing beacon: Hall of the Dead, 拿data disc的房間下層,走到中央附近,其中有一塊地板是可以使用的,戰在上邊會出現’use loose stone’,使用後出現homing beacon

[] Tech station (+10 Speed): Hall of the Dead, 過Monolith戰役,有一個裡邊有雕像的房間,使用這個雕像使Tech station出現

[] Weapon cache: Hall of the Dead, 有記錄點的房間

[] Sketch book: Hall of the Dead, 有記錄點的房間

[] Homing beacon: Vault of the Ages, 主廳某牆上的凹槽裡

[] Tech station (+10 Strike): Vault of the Ages, 在一個發動機的房間,這個房間有2條走廊,左邊的走廊裡有tech station


* Nightcrawler可以帶著,再帶個綜合能力較強(精神+物理)的來使用4英雄的特級效果比較強


在每一幕的基地中都有TRIVIA GAMES,回答對了會獎勵經驗值


Act 1 Questions



Q. Sabretooth's archenemy is:

A. Wolverine

Q. In the video game X-Men: Legends, Iceman had a crush on

A. Alison Crestmere

Q. Juggernaut first appeared in X-Men number:

A. 12

Q. As a young man, Gambit wed an assassin named:

A. Bella Donna Boudreaux

Q. What is Victor Creed's mutant code name?

A. Sabretooth

Q. Forge has been romantically linked to:

A. Storm

Q. While growing up in an orphanage, Cyclops was bullied by a boy

named Nathan, who was really:

A. Mister Sinister

Q. Which is true of Colossus in his armored form?

A. Even his eyeballs become steel-like

Q. Beast was born a mutant because:

A. His father was exposed to a massive amount of radiation

Q. What is Apocalypse's real name?

A. En Sabah Nur

Q. Before joining the X-Men, Angel was a crime fighter who worked under

the name:

A. Avenging Angel

Q. Abyss is able to:

A. Pull enemies into an inter-dimensional cavity in his chest

Q. Blink's real name is:

A. Clarice Ferguson

Q. What is Lorna Dane's X-Men code name?

A. Polaris

Q. Blob is originally from:

A. Lubbock, Texas

Q. Grizzly worked for which team?

A. Six Pack

Q. Why does Lady Deathstrike hate Wolverine?

A. She thinks he stole her father's work in adamantium

Q. Quicksilver's mutant power is:

A. Super speed

Q. What is Polaris' mutant power?

A. Magnetic Manipulation

Q. Blink's protector is:

A. Sabretooth

Q. Which X-Man saved Polaris from Mesmero?

A. Iceman

Q. Before joining the Brotherhood, Blob worked at:

A. A traveling circus

Q. What color hair does Polaris have?

A. Green

Q. Quicksilver and his sister were raised by:

A. Gypsies

Q. What secret project did Wolverine and Sabretooth both belong to?

A. Weapon X

Q. Cable, Domino, Grizzly, George Washington Bridge, Hammer and Kane

together form what group?

A. Six Pack

Q. Blink is able to teleport:

A. As far away as the moon

Q. Zealot is the bitter enemy of:

A. Magneto

Q. Quicksilver's real name is:

A. Pietro Maximoff

Q. Sabretooth made his debut in which Marvel comic book?

A. Iron Fist

Q. Jean's psychic powers awoke when:

A. Her friend was hit by a car

Q. Juggernaut frequently partners up with which of the following mutants?

A. Black Tom Cassidy

Q. Who did Sabretooth have a son with?

A. Mystique

Q. What is Lady Deathstrike's real name?

A. Yuriko Oyama

Q. Who are the children of Magneto?

A. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver

Q. Which Marvel hero's comic did Mystique first appear in 1978?

A. Ms. Marvel

Q. Lady Deathstrike's father developed a process for:

A. Bonding adamantium to bone

Q. Abyss works for:

A. Apocalypse

Q. Where is Genosha located?

A. The Indian Ocean

Q. Professor Xavier attended which university?

A. Oxford

Q. On average, if Rogue touches a mutant for a minute, how long does

she retain that mutant's powers?

A. 60 minutes

Q. Which of these mutants can't fly?

A. Wolverine

Q. What time traveling team of mutants does Blink belong to?

A. Exiles

Q. Who here is not a mutant?

A. Juggernaut

Q. What group of criminals did Lady Deathstrike join after her attempt

to kill Wolverine failed?

A. The Reavers

Q. Blob is able to generate:

A. A gravitational force that makes him immovable

Q. What X-Man did Polaris have a relationship with?

A. Havok

Q. Forge was contracted by the U.S. Government to develop a way to

detect an alien race known as:

A. Dire Wraiths

Q. Who is Sabretooth's son?

A. Graydon Creed

Q. Beast was born in:

A. Dunfee, Illinois


Act 2 Questions



Q. Angel is:

A. Extremely wealthy

Q. Wolverine made his debut in 1974 in which comic book series?

A. Incredible Hulk

Q. In the video game X-Men Legends, what was the name of the base Magneto

had in orbit of Earth?

A. Asteroid M

Q. Which of the following X-Men was at one time Apocalypse's

Horseman Death?

A. Wolverine

Q. Destiny belonged to which super villain team?

A. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

Q. Garokk was originally?

A. A British sailor

Q. In the video game X-Men Legends, who was the first playable

character at the very beginning in New York City?

A. Wolverine

Q. How many fingers does Nightcrawler have on each hand?

A. Three

Q. Who is Ka-Zar's wife?

A. Shanna O'Hara

Q. Which person is Mystique not connected to?

A. Mikhail Rasputin

Q. Which X-Man was involved romantically with Magneto?

A. Rogue

Q. Joseph is a clone of which mutant?

A. Magneto

Q. Iceman's real name is

A. Bobby Drake

Q. Who is not a member of the Brotherhood

A. Lupa

Q. As a boy, Nightcrawler's hero was:

A. Errol Flynn

Q. Who served alongside Cable in his mercenary group, Six Pack?

A. Domino

Q. What is Bishop's mutant power?

A. Absorb energy and rechannel it

Q. Ka'Zar's father came to the Savage Land in search of what?

A. Anti-metal

Q. What are Forge's Powers?

A. Inventing new technology and mystic powers

Q. Ka-Zar was originally named:

A. Kevin Plunder

Q. Colossus' brother Mikhail first appeared in Uncanny X-Men number

A. 285

Q. What evil villain is also known as Cain Marko?

A. Juggernaut

Q. Heather Cameron is known as which X-Man?

A. Lifeguard

Q. Magneto first appeared in 1963 in X-Men number:

A. 1

Q. What name does Magneto go by?

A. Erik Lehnsherr

Q. Mikhail is the brother of:

A. Colossus

Q. Colossus first learned he could turn into metal when he:

A. Saved his sister from a runaway tractor.

Q. In the video game, X-Men Legends, what was the code name of the

young woman the X-Men saved in New York City from Blob and


A. Magma

Q. Bishop is a time traveler from which century?

A. 21st

Q. What is Omega Red's real name?

A. Arkady Gregorovich

Q. Nightcrawler was once the leader of which of the following groups?

A. Excalibur

Q. Pyro's real name is:

A. St. John Allerdyce

Q. Approximately how old is Apocalypse?

A. 5000 yrs old

Q. What is Sauron's real name?

A. Karl Lykos

Q. Shanna at one time:

A. Worked at a zoo in New York City

Q. Death, War, Pestilence and Famine together form what group?

A. The Four Horsemen

Q. What is Pyro's mutant ability?

A. He can control fire.

Q. What is Sunfire's real name?

A. Shiro Yoshida

Q. Ororo Munroe's X-Men code name is:

A. Storm

Q. Omega Red's arm coils are made from what material?

A. Carbonadium

Q. Toad first appeared in:

A. X-Men number 4

Q. Where is the Savage Land located?

A. Antartica

Q. Who is Mystique's best friend?

A. Destiny

Q. The Savage Land is protected from freezing temperatures by:

A. Alien technology

Q. Mikhail Rasputin has been:

A. A Russian cosmonaut

Q. Nightcrawler grew up working in a circus as:

A. An acrobat

Q. What animal protected Ka-Zar as he grew up in the Savage Land?

A. A sabretooth tiger

Q. What was Shanna known as in the Savage Land?

A. Shanna the She-Devil

Q. Garokk was ship wrecked in the Savage Land in what time period?

A. 1400s

Q. Bishop has a sister named:

A. Shard


Act 3 Questions



Q. Sunfire's sister's code name was:

A. Sunpyre

Q. Wolverine wound up killing the father of this woman he loved:

A. Mariko Yashido

Q. What Hellfire Club leader first appeared in X-Men number 129 in 1980?

A. Sebastian Shaw

Q. Storm was once the leader of which of the following groups?

A. The Morlocks

Q. What is Heather Hudson's Alpha Flight code name?

A. Vindicator

Q. Who oversaw the Weapon X program during Wolverine's transformation?

A. The Professor

Q. Who is not a member of Alpha Flight?

A. Prism

Q. Cyclops' father is the captain of a spaceship named:

A. Starjammer

Q. Which super team was Wolverine originally intended to lead?

A. Alpha Flight

Q. Who is the leader of the team known as the Hellions?

A. Emma Frost

Q. Who is Heather Hudson's husband?

A. Guardian

Q. There is speculation that Professor Xavier's father at one time:

A. Was part of the Weapon X project that worked on Wolverine

Q. Havok's real name is:

A. Alex Summers

Q. What is James MacDonald Hudson's Alpha Flight code name?

A. Guardian

Q. Which of the following X-Men has also been a member of The Avengers?

A. Wolverine

Q. Who saved Apocalypse as a child?

A. Baal

Q. The process of bonding adamantium to Wolverine's bones would have

killed him if not for:

A. Wolverine's healing power

Q. What super hero team does Heather Hudson belong to?

A. Alpha Flight

Q. What is Sebastian Shaw's title in the Hellfire Club?

A. Black King

Q. Toad is from:

A. England

Q. Ororo Munroe, better known as Storm, first appeared in 1975 in which

comic book?

A. X-Men Giant-Size number 1

Q. Where did Juggernaut find the Ruby of Cyttorak?

A. Korea

Q. Jean Grey's main powers are:

A. Telekinesis, telepathy

Q. Which super team does James MacDonald Hudson belong to?

A. Alpha Flight

Q. Sebastian Shaw belongs to which New York social club?

A. The Hellfire Club

Q. Apocalypse first appeared in X-Factor number 5 in:

A. 1986

Q. Who headed the facility failed Weapon X experiments, like Deadpool,

were sent to?

A. Dr. Killebrew

Q. Cable founded which team comprised mostly from former Xavier

school students?

A. X-Force

Q. The leader of the Brotherhood is:

A. Magneto

Q. What is Sebastian Shaw's mutant power?

A. Absorb and rechannel energy

Q. Who did Apocalypse kidnap and raise to be as cruel as he is?

A. Stryfe

Q. Who tool control of Iceman's body and discovered his powers were

greater than he realized?

A. Emma Frost

Q. Who is James MacDonald Hudson's wife?

A. Vindicator

Q. Sugar Man is originally from a timeline where:

A. Xavier is dead and Apocalypse nearly rules the world

Q. Magneto once raised a mysterious city from the ocean in what part of

the world?

A. The Bermuda Triangle

Q. Who was not a subject of the Weapon X project?

A. Shard

Q. Betsy Braddock is known as which X-Man?

A. Psylocke

Q. Scarlet Witch's real name is:

A. Wanda Maximoff

Q. Rogue first appeared in which 1981 comic book?

A. Avengers Annual number 10

Q. Before turning to crime, Pyro was a:

A. Writer

Q. Who were students of Emma Frost?

A. The Stepford Cuckoos

Q. The Weapon X facility is located in:

A. Canada

Q. Infinite soldiers are clones created by:

A. Mister Sinister

Q. Sugar Man is a traveler from which alternate reality?

A. The Age of Apocalypse

Q. Sunfire is a member of Japanese super hero team known in English as:

A. Big Hero 6

Q. After escaping from the Weapon X facility Wolverine was discovered

and befriended by:

A. James and Heather Hudson

Q. What is untrue of Guardian?

A. Is a mutant

Q. What does Rogue absorb when she touches someone?

A. All the above

Q. While working for the government in Dallas, Texas, Forge had a

penthouse known as:

A. Eagle's Nest

Q. What color is Beast's fur?

A. Blue


Act 4 Questions



Q. Nick Fury is the leader of:


Q. The mutant sewer dwellers of New York City are known as:

A. The Morlocks

Q. What is Wolverine's real name?

A. James Howlet

Q. Moira MacTaggert's Mutant Research Center is located:

A. On Muir Island

Q. In World War II, Nick Fury commanded:

A. The Howling Commandos

Q. Angel's secondary mutation allows him to:

A. Accelerate his healing factor

Q. Banshee has the mutant power to:

A. Generate a sonic scream

Q. Bastion assembled which organization?

A. Operation: Zero Tolerance

Q. What is the Black Queen's real name?

A. Selene

Q. What is the name of the machine Professor Charles Xavier uses to

find mutants around the world?

A. Cerebro

Q. Deadpool wears a mask:

A. To cover his scarred face

Q. Banshee's daughter uses the code name:

A. Syrin

Q. Who is the evil clone of Cable?

A. Stryfe

Q. Colossus' sister's code name was:

A. Magik

Q. What is Professor Xavier's middle name?

A. Francis

Q. What is the Black Queen's mutant ability?

A. Drain other's life force to maintain her beauty.

Q. Who is the great-grandfather of Bishop?

A. Gateway

Q. Sean Cassidy, better known as Banshee, first appeared in 1975 in

which comic book?

A. Uncanny X-Men number 28

Q. Magneto once disguised himself as what mutant to infiltrate the

Xavier Institute?

A. Xorn

Q. Sunfire's powers first manifested when:

A. He touched radioactive soil

Q. Deadpool is a victim of:

A. Weapon X

Q. Scarlet Witch's power is the ability to:

A. Affect probability and make the improbably become possible

Q. Who is Banshee's cousin?

A. Black Tom Cassidy

Q. What was the name of the boy Rogue kissed and almost killed just as

her powers were beginning to emerge?

A. Cody Robbins

Q. Who is Kitty Pryde's loyal companion?

A. Lockheed

Q. Which of Apocalypse's four horsemen is Archangel?

A. Death

Q. As a child, Storm was a:

A. Pickpocket in Cairo, Egypt

Q. Toad is devoted to:

A. Magneto

Q. How many adamantium claws does Wolverine have on each hand?

A. Three

Q. Deadpool joined the Weapon X program because:

A. He had cancer

Q. Who has not served in the Hellfire Club's inner circle?

A. Lorna Dane

Q. Which Hellfire Club member is really a non-mutant cyborg?

A. Donald Pierce

Q. What was Emma Frost's title in the Hellfire Club?

A. White Queen

Q. Who was Kitty Pryde's mentor?

A. Wolverine

Q. Moira MacTaggert has a son named Kevin who also went by the name of:

A. Proteus

Q. Which X-Man is romantically involved with Kitty Pryde?

A. Colossus

Q. Lockheed, Kitty Pryde's small dragon companion, first appeared on

which aliens' homeworld?

A. The Brood

Q. Where do Wolverine's claws appear?

A. Between his knuckles

Q. What is Marrow's real name?

A. Sarah

Q. In the video game X-Men Legends: The Rise of Apocalypse, what is the

name of Magneto's secret hideaway near Genosha.

A. Sanctuary

Q. Bastion is really:

A. A hybrid Sentinel in disguise

Q. For a time, Bishop worked:

A. As a detective

Q. Forge was trained in magic by:

A. The Cheyenne shaman Naze

Q. The Hellfire Club originally started in:

A. London

Q. In the video game X-Men Legends, who is the leader of the Morlocks?

A. Marrow

Q. For a time, Banshee worked for:

A. Interpol

Q. What is the name of the room where the X-Men do their training


A. The Danger Room

Q. In the Hellfire Club, Sebastian Shaw goes by the code name:

A. Black King

Q. Deadpool possesses the ability to:

A. Heal quickly

Q. Nick Fury is blind in which eye?

A. Left


Act 5 Questions



Q. Beast grew blue fur because of:

A. A serum he took

Q. Cable's hair is what color?

A. White

Q. Which of the following X-Men was at one time a host for Apocalypse?

A. Cyclops

Q. Ahmer Abdol is also known as:

A. Living Monolith

Q. In X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse, who was responsible for

transforming the X-Man Angel into Archangel?

A. Mr. Sinister

Q. Bishop was a part of what security force in the future?

A. Xavier Security Enforcers

Q. Scott Summers works under the code name:

A. Cyclops

Q. Colossus has a brother named:

A. Mikhail

Q. Who is the one person Havok's power can't hurt?

A. Scott Summers

Q. Which two X-Men were at different times Death, one of Apocalypse's

four horsemen?

A. Wolverine and Angel

Q. When Bobby Drake's powers first activated he:

A. Was locked in jail for his own protection

Q. When consumed by her powers, Jean Grey becomes:

A. The Dark Phoenix

Q. What is Mister Sinister's real name?

A. Nathaniel Essex

Q. Bishop's sister is named:

A. Shard

Q. What is the name of Apocalypse's 4 lieutenants?

A. The Four Horsemen

Q. What was Juggernaut's occupation when he found the Ruby of Cyttorak?

A. Soldier

Q. Madeline Pryor was:

A. Created by Mister Sinister to be an exact copy of Jean Grey

Q. Where was Apocalypse born?

A. Egypt

Q. Who was Bishop pursuing through time when he first encountered the


A. Trevor Fitzroy

Q. Who is not related to Scott Summers?

A. Mr. Sinister

Q. Gambit is from:

A. New Orleans

Q. Apocalypse's horsemen first appeared in 1987 in which comic book?

A. X-Factor

Q. Who did Magneto have twins with?

A. Magda

Q. What mutant team did Forge and Mystique belong to?

A. X-Factor

Q. What is the sound made when Nightcrawler teleports?


Q. Who did Rogue permanently absorb the powers of?

A. Ms. Marvel

Q. What color hair does Ororo have?

A. White

Q. Which alien race have the X-Men never encountered.

A. Skrulls

Q. Which of the following is not one of Wolverine's alias'?

A. War

Q. What is the other team that Nightcrawler and Shadowcat serve

together on?

A. Excalibur

Q. Gambit's real name is:

A. Remy Lebeau

Q. Who is Kurt Wagner's adopted sister?

A. Rogue

Q. Professor Charles Xavier lost the use of his legs:

A. While battling a tyrant named Lucifer in the Himalayas

Q. Scarlet Witch first appearance was in X-Men number 4 in:

A. 1964

Q. Who trained Storm in the ways of thievery as a child?

A. Achmed El-Gibar

Q. Who is considered by some to be the very first mutant?

A. Apocalypse

Q. Which member of the X-Men had previously workd for Mister


A. Gambit

Q. What was Mr. Sinister's occupation when he met Apocalypse?

A. Geneticist

Q. Colossus is romantically involved with:

A. Kitty Pryde

Q. Which mutant is from the future?

A. Bishop

Q. Who formed the X-Men?

A. Professor Charles Xavier

Q. Before turning into the Living Monolith, Ahmet Abdol had been a:

A. Professor of Archeology

Q. Sunfire is from:

A. Japan

Q. What color are Nightcrawler's eyes?

A. Yellow

Q. What material is used in Cyclops' visor?

A. Ruby quartz

Q. When Jean was manipulated into working for the Hellfire Club, she

was known as:

A. The Black Queen

Q. Rogue is from:

A. Mississippi

Q. Scarlet Witch has a brother named:

A. Pietro

Q. Who proposed the Mutant Registration Act?

A. Senator Robert Kelly

Q. What are the first names of Iceman's parents?

A. William and Madeline







有領導技能的角色:Cyclops, Magneto, Professor X



有飛行技能的角色: Iron Man, Jean Grey, Magneto, Rogue, Storm, Sunfire

Bridge Builder-造橋者


可以在地圖上有x標示的地方建造橋樑的角色: Iceman, Jean Grey, Magneto



有很多武器攻擊技能,能舉重物和典型的高攻防高體力: Colossus, Iron Man, Juggernaut, Rogue, Sabretooth, Wolverine



有好的光線或目標攻擊能力,有很多非武器攻擊技能: Bishop, Cyclops, Iceman, Iron Man, Jean Grey, Magneto, Professor X, Pyro, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Sunfire



能傳送瞬移的角色: Deadpool, Nightcrawler



X戰警隊伍裡的角色: Bishop, Colossus, Cyclops, Gambit, Iceman, Iron Man*, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Professor X, Rogue, Storm, Sunfire, Wolverine. (*Iron Man實際上是復仇者,但是出於在這個遊戲裡出現的目的來講,還是可以算是x-man)



邪惡同盟的變種人: Deadpool, Juggernaut, Magneto, Pyro, Sabretooth, Scarlet Witch, Toad.




Agile Warriors: +5% XP (經驗)

- Nightcrawler, Sunfire, Toad, Deadpool

Brotherhood of Evil: +5% XP (經驗)

- Juggernaut, Magneto, Toad, Scarlet Witch

Bruiser Brigade: 20 EP gain per Knockout (擊倒敵人回20ep)

- Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolverine, Rogue

Dark Past: 5% damage inflicted goes to HP (傷害轉hp)

- Rogue, Gambit, Deadpool, Wolverine

Double Date: 20 HP gained per Knockout (擊倒敵人回20hp)

- Rogue, Gambit, Jean Grey, Cyclops

Energy Corps: +5% damage (傷害)

- Gambit, Bishop, Cyclops, Iron Man

Family Affair: +5 HP regeneration (回血)

- Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut, Prof X

Femme Fatale: 5% damage inflicted goes to HP (傷害轉hp)

- Storm, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Jean Grey

Forces of Nature: +10 to all Resists (所有抗性)

- Storm, Iceman, Sunfire, Magneto

Heavy Metal: +10 to all stats (所有點數-不包括技能)

- Colossus, Juggernaut, Iron Man, Magneto

New Avengers: +15% Max HP (體力上限)

- Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bishop

New X-Men: +15% Max HP (體力上限)

- Nightcrawler, Storm, Colossus, Wolverine, Sunfire, Bishop

Old School: +15% Max EP (能量上限)

- Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Magneto, Toad, Prof X

Raven Knights: +60% tech bit drops (加錢)

- Iceman, Prof X, Iron Man, Deadpool

Special Ops: +5% damage (傷害)

- Bishop, Deadpool, Nightcrawler, Gambit
