砍价姐 这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么

来源:乐享游戏吧 1.5W




砍价姐 这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么

砍价姐 这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么 第2张

更多“Gets sad after”与其说是被官方遗漏了,我倒宁愿相信是官方认为工作量太大了。砍价姐是价值观/道德观没从和平年代成功过渡过来的人物典型,这也是为什么她的一喜一悲、满足与沮丧、对人物行为的评价同玩家是最贴近的,然而有的时候则变相成为了拖累,别人在外面浴血奋战带回补给维持生计,她什么都没做还在家里垂头丧气BB道德沦丧。或许战争在这种承受力相对脆弱的人身上烙下的印记是最深的,砍价姐的勇敢意外地体现在敢于用笔杆子重揭这些战时留下战后愈合的疮疤,整个游戏背景下大的话语场同砍价姐一贯持守的道德观是如此的一致,甚至可以把她的情绪看成官方给的一面镜子,想要好结局,不想出坏结局的话,还是想方设法多让砍价姐满足,少让她悲伤为妙,谁知道TWoM的脚本是不是根据砍价姐日后获奖的作品改编而成的呢,你看看,甭管哪个结局,甭管砍价活了还是死了,横竖书是出版了。



" I grew up in this city, but went abroad to study and started working as a reporter. I'd been away for years. When the troubles escalated into a war, I was picked to write reports on it. I'd have volunteered anyway. I was so anxious to check on my parents. But it was too late. I found my house in ruins, my family had disappeared. I've been looking for them ever since. "

Katia's Story


"I've been around more than any of my friends and relatives. I've met famous people, readers found my interviews funny and incisive. But when I try to write down my experiences... I'm stuck. I want to find and hug my folks, not write about them. I wish I had been seeing them more often."

"This city used to welcome everybody with open arms. I love the old town cafes where I could meet new friends from all over the world. Will people ever become this easygoing again? If we make it through, I must do what I can to help them remember how it was. Because we can accomplish a lot if we just stand together."

"I was about to leave my parents' neighborhood empty-handed when an aquiantance halted me and said that there was a "situation" I could help with. The army had arrested a local beauty under some cooked up charges. I guess it doesn't need explaining what she was wanted for. The locals pooled the ransom money and needed someone to deliver it."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Katia is alive.

"Katia used her contacts to find her parents in a refugee camp abroad. She brought them back to the city and helped them rebuild their house. Soon after that she published her war diary, which became a bestseller and drew widespread attention to the fate of civilians during war."

Alternate Ending

If Katia leaves the shelter.

"Katia left the shelter one night, leaving behind her war diary. It was passed to her distraught parents, who published it after a few years."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Katia is dead.

"Katia never found her parents, but they did find her grave one day with her war diary buried alongside. They published it without any alterations. It became a bestseller."
