律师 这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么

来源:乐享游戏吧 3.16W


律师 这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么

律师 这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么 第2张



"Now that we're stuck together, I might as well tell you about me and my family. Father was a very practical man. He always reminded us of the importance of financial safety. That's why I became a lawyer like him, and my sister was to become a doctor. When the war broke out, we had a lot of savings on our family account. But the currency soon lost all value, the banks were closed and we had no foreign cash. In a matter of days we became poor."

Emilia's Story


The following text appears as entries in Emilia's diary on varying days.

"We lived in an expansive villa, with spacious bright rooms and large windows. To protect ourselves from stray bullets and splinters, we installed a double bed and a small heater in a cozy dressing room on the ground floor. We spent most of our time there, talking, reading, listening to music and playing games to stave off boredom."

"When the banks closed, father opened the safe box and pulled out a small chest. "Cheer up, girls", he said, "we aren't broke yet!" Then he went to the marketplace and brought back fresh peaches. He kept trading jewelry for food every day. We also received humanitarian aid, like everybody else. So it wasn't bad, apart from the isolation. But father wanted us to be safe."

"One day father fell ill, so I had to go to the market. My fears proved unfounded, as nothing bad happened to me on the way. But when I was coming home, I saw smoke over our street. Our house was on fire. I couldn't get inside, the smoke was too thick. Dreading the worst, I started calling my father and sister. Nobody answered. Then I found them in the backyard."

"My father and sister were dead. The neighbors told me that the militia members entered the house claiming they were looking for Grazni informants. They interrogated and killed my family and before setting fire to the house, they took everything valuable that was still there. I'm sure it was the real reason for their visit."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Emilia is alive.

"After the war Emilia became a public prosecutor in Pogoren. She used her law expertise in the trials of war criminals who were brought to justice. She has never found out who the murderers of her family were, but deep inside she hopes they got what they deserved."

Alternate Ending "Emilia survived the war, but it has left its mark on her. She was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. She had developed anxiety and hatred towards men. She opened her private legal office, but it hasn't been doing particularly well."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Emilia is dead.

"Emilia joined the long list of casualties of this destructive conflict. The fact that she was young and well-off didn't matter. War makes everyone equal."

If Emilia leaves the shelter due to depression the following text will appear:

"One night, Emilia took off alone and unnoticed. Unlike as it might sound, she surfaced years after the war as a corporated lawyer abroad."
