刀劍魔藥2 外服玩家奇葩玩法心得總結 老司機語錄

來源:樂享遊戲吧 1.93W

刀劍魔藥2 外服玩家奇葩玩法心得總結 老司機語錄

刀劍魔藥2 外服玩家奇葩玩法心得總結 老司機語錄

Dear diary: Customer comes in looking for a sword to fight off a dragon. I managed to convince him that a flute is what he needed. Today was a successful day. ——lazyness_net


I'd like to be able to say "Here take this very expensive ring on your quest. But if you break it I'm going to break your legs..." ——thedesigner21


for the 900000000000 time, i dont sell iron bracers or small bows anymore. we sell non-crappy items here


sometimes i wish i could just close my shop for a day to be able to make some items and keep up with the rush. ——Cleu1


Protip to new players: Building more than 1 Wood Bin, Iron Bin, etc. for holding resources is DEFINITELY a smart idea. When you have 10 of each resource to hold instead of 5, deceptively you can go an EXTREMELY longer time before you run out, since they recharge in real-time and will partially replenish (moreso with higher max counts) while you're using them up. Just make sure your shop size can hold the extra structures! Expanding 4 times ASAP helps tremendously with that. ——schwazala


cusomter "i broke this on my last quest" me: (thinking) How do you break healing herbs so they arent usefull anymore??? ——Desalzes

僱傭兵:“上個任務我把草藥給弄壞了(。・`ω´・)” “你tm就說你吃了得了唄”

Customer: Why do I even bother? Shopkeeper: I ask myself that same question every time you walk in... ——Koibones


"Oh, what a cute shop! There are a worker, a carpenter and a bladesmith inside. Oh, I know, I totally should ask them for a magical scroll, and if they don't have one because, you know, there is NO frigging magic user in the staff, I'll just storm out yelling 'But you're ALWAYS out of stock!', seems like a totally legit and sound reaction to have." I guess the "consumers are dicks" part of owning a shop is almost perfectly rendered. —— Thouny



"That's exactly what I had in mind." No. It wasn't. But I'm glad you think so. —— Dekmar

(店裡沒貨,說服顧客買了其他東西之後)顧客:“這正是我想要的東西” 不,這不是,但是我很高興你這麼想。。(*´∇`*)

those engineers are annoying:let's ask this druid if he has a pistol;you're always out of livable



druid makes oaken staff in THE KETTLE! my brain exploded x_X ——Azwerg


Customer: Yes, I want a gun. Keeper: Sorry, I can't afford to hire a tinkerer. I have this club. It's a lot cheaper than a gun. Customer: You never have anything >=The Next Day= Customer: Yes, I want a gun. Keeper: It's been one day and you didn't buy anything yesterday. Nothing has changed since yesterday. I still have this club. It's a lot cheaper than a gun. Customer: I'll be unstoppable with this! Keeper: I wish I had a gun... ——Koibones

顧客:“你好! 我要一把槍” 我:“我沒錢僱造槍的發明家,我這有挺多東西比槍便宜的”顧客:“你tm啥都沒有”第二天,顧客:“你好!我要一把槍”我:“我仍然沒錢僱造槍的發明家,我的店就這些東西,這也有挺多東西,你看看別的?”顧客:“我是不可阻擋的!!我tm就要槍!!”≖‿≖✧

Customers need brain transplants. If my shop is filled with disaplays for Herbs, Poitions, Scrolls, and clothing... don't come in and ask to buy a shiny new sword. I cannot recall the last time I walked into a clothing store and asked to buy a cheeseburger. ——Gorantoth


Came to the shop for an antidote, went home with a 27k flute and an empty wallet. ——namorufa

來商店買解毒藥,帶著空錢包和一個2700的長笛回家 _(:3 」∠)_

75% chance to buy my ass. —— MalignantMind


Customer: I need a hat. Me: Jedi mind trick! These are the items you're looking for... *hands over sandals. Customer: This was exactly what I had in mind! *puts sandals on head and paysup. ——RedeemedWahrior

顧客:“來頂帽子吧~” 我想了一想,“你要的應該是這個”給了他一個涼鞋 顧客:“奧對對,這正是我想要的!”把涼鞋套在了頭上並把錢付了(*゚▽゚*)

To destroy the most epic and indestructible armor just give it to a newb for five minutes ——braythering

把最牛x的武器和最堅不可摧的鎧甲給了一個3級的僱傭兵穿上,他去做了個最低階任務,5分鐘之後,裝備都壞了。。他是被叫去喝茶了吧。。 ಥ_ಥ

Upgrade workstations early. You will be very glad later. —— elunsf2


"I'm gonna be unstopable with this" - Level 8 Guard buys a level 1 wooden club. Yeah, we're not gonna see that guy again... ——thedesigner21

“我將無人能擋” - 一個8級的守衛買了一個一級的木盾之後說著。 好吧,我想我們應該不會再次見到他了。。╮(╯▽╰)╭

thank god for me all my customers have exactly the same shoe size. ——superchinny


"You call this a shop?". No! I call this a factory! ——catpaw


customer came in, asked for antidote to heal friend, convinced him that a poison blade was better. nice friend ——swordfish1swordfish1

一個顧客的朋友中毒了,來我的商店買解毒藥,我說服了他買了把塗滿了毒藥的匕首 “奧~好朋友,一輩子”

You know if i sell a knife to a thief i feel kinda guilty for the person who's gonna be on the other end of it ——dlarose

如果我賣給了盜賊一把匕首,我心裡會忐忑不安的想,這把匕首會指向哪個無辜的人 (´・ω・`) (這個應該是個萌萌的妹子)

Customer: I found money under my bed so naturally I came in to buy this. *Buys Spiked Boots worth $4700* I wish I could find that kind of money under my bed!! ——yoshi623

顧客:“我在床底下找到了一些零錢,我的第一反應就是來你這裡買我想要的東西” *買尖頂靴要4700塊錢* 我希望我也能在我的床底下找到這些“零錢”!
